Die beste Zeit zum Meditieren: der frühe Morgen


In Klöstern und in Ashrams wird in aller „Herrgottsfrühe“ gebetet und meditiert, in indischen Ashrams oft schon um 3 Uhr, zur Brahma Muhurta oder „Stunde Gottes“. Vor 6 oder 7 Uhr liegt noch eine ganz andere Ruhe in der Atmosphäre, und es fällt leichter – vorausgesetzt man hat genug geschlafen! – die subtileren Ebenen in der Mediation wahrzunehmen und in die innere Stille zu gehen.

The joy you receive
From your early morning meditation
Can accompany you the whole day.

– Sri Chinmoy

Question: What is the best time of day for my daily meditations, and what is the best length of time for these meditations?

Sri Chinmoy: The best time for meditation is early in the morning. When you get up, that is the best time. If you get up at 5:30, that is the best time. If you get up at 6:00, that is the best time. If you get up at 9:00, that too will be the best time, but you have to know that at that hour you will be swimming against the current. By that time the world has become full of noise and activities; everything is hustle and bustle. But if you get up at 5:00 or 6:00 or 7:00, you will still feel poise and peace in the atmosphere. So the earlier you can get up, the better.

QUELLE: https://www.srichinmoylibrary.com/ag-32