Part 10/20/30: Enthusiasm – Cheerfulness – Delight

June 26 / 27/ 28, 2021

We are inviting you to join our 3 Day Oneness-Meditations (even for a single set!) which started in Dec.  2020 and is continuing now for 3 cyles of 10×3 days – always on Sat/Sun/Monday, and for at least 30 min. per day, meditating and focusing on a different spiritual quality each day. Either of your own choice, or using our suggestions. This can include reading texts, reciting or memorizing poems and singing songs related to the daily quality.

This  is the last set of the third cycle – so 90 days altogehter, in honour of Sri Chinmoy’s 90th birthday this year on August 27th!

For the first cycle we had at least 161 participants from 23 countries that we know of! A number of people wanted to continue.
Nice to hear meditators from Ghana, South Africa, Argentine and Brazil also joined!

+++ Thank you everyone for participating – either for 90 days or even part of the way! And for giving feedback! +++

Comment by Savyasachi: „… Anticipating the new qualities for meditation …hope everyone is joining – meditations and → runs!
Thank you for creating these weekly opportunities to focus on these qualities – of great importance – that add so much to our daily lives.“

Link to the Sri Chinmoy 5 Mile Grand Prix May-July 2021

ENTHUSIASM  – Sat. June 26, 2021

Enthusiasm and cheerfulness
The inner war-winners.

Daring enthusiasm and abiding cheerfulness
Can accomplish everything on earth
Without fail.

Enthusiasm of the mind has a very short breath, but enthusiasm in the heart lasts long, very, very long. Enthusiasm is success and progress at every moment.


How to increase enthusiasm?
As soon as you get up early in the morning,
Repeat fifty times:
“Enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, Enthusiasm, enthusiasm!”
Then your mind will be surcharged
With enthusiasm,
And your heart will be surcharged
With God-fulfilment
In God’s own Way.


Enthusiasm, enthusiasm,
God’s main food,
He begs me to eat
For my good.

Enthusiasm is
My soul’s mightiest roar.
Enthusiasm is
My life’s brightest shore.

Enthusiasm is our inner beauty. Enthusiasm is our inner determination. Enthusiasm is our love of God-oneness. Enthusiasm is the capacity to destroy the unaspiring past in us. Enthusiasm is the capacity to expedite our aspiration-journey. When we have enthusiasm in our body, vital, mind, heart and soul, God immediately starts playing, singing and dancing. Our enthusiasm is God’s immediate Pride in us.

CHEERFULNESS – Sun. , June 27, 2021

Nothing can equal cheerfulness-treasure.
This treasure is infinitely greater
Than an emperor’s wealth.
Therefore, establish, increase
And continually multiply
Your cheerfulness-treasure.


To be cheerful is to be
On God’s Side.

Cheerfulness is progress.
Progress is satisfaction.
Satisfaction is God Himself.

I cherish only one strength,
My cheerful surrender
To God’s Will.

Cheerfulness is not excitement. Cheerfulness is my inner poise, and it is also God’s complete Faith in me. Another name of my inner poise is God’s unreserved Confidence in me.

Has another name:

Question: What is more important for older people: cheerfulness or wisdom-light?

Sri Chinmoy: Cheerfulness and wisdom-light are inseparable. If you have wisdom-light, then naturally you will be cheerful. You have to be cheerful in order to be always ready to receive God’s Light. If you are eager to receive God’s Love, Light and everything that God wants to give you, you will get them sooner than otherwise. Again, if you are cheerful, that is the height of your spiritual wisdom. So wisdom gives us cheerfulness, and cheerfulness itself is wisdom. –

DELIGHT – Mon.,  June 28, 2021

QUESTION:  Is delight a quality of consciousness or an occasional experience? How can we receive delight?

Sri Chinmoy: Delight is not a quality of consciousness. Consciousness experiences delight on the strength of its aspiration. If we have the real need for delight and if we are ready to cry constantly for it, then we receive delight.

From Delight we came into existence.
In Delight we grow.
At the end of our journey’s close into Delight we retire.

Sri Chinmoy: This is the sublime message offered to us by the Vedic seers of the hoary past: Delight was our inner past. Delight is our inner present. Delight shall be our inner future.

Delight is the source of existence. Delight is the meaning of existence. Delight is the language of Infinity, Eternity and Immortality.


My morning begins with a
Rainbow-dancing delight.

Ananda parabar
Mor hiya habe taba sathi

O delight-ocean,
O delight-ocean,
My heart will be your companion.

Namiche aj ananda:
Today, the flood of delight
Inundates me, my all.
All my bondage-shackles
Are smashed and broken.
No more heart-pangs,
No more darkness-life.

Ananda bhore ananda sanjhe
Paramananda dake

In the morn of delight,
In the eve of delight,
Delight-Lord Absolute calls me.

O truth-flooded silence-nectar-delight,
Cast aside my all-desire-hunger.

Happiness in cheerful self-giving
Is beyond compare.
It is the highest delight
That God has created for humanity.

Human surrender is slavery, perpetual slavery.
Divine surrender is delight, constant delight.

Amrta – Nectar-delight

Self-giving is today’s nectar-delight. God-becoming is tomorrow’s nectar-delight.

Photo Credits : Bijoy Imhof